The energy beverage market is growing rapidly. Many people consume these beverages in order to increase their energy levels throughout the day. There are over $9 billion dollars in sales of energy drinks just in the United States market and it continues to grow. Statistics show that over 30% of teenagers consume energy drinks on a regular basis.The Concern: There is much concern and debate over the safety of energy drinks. The caffeine levels are very high and can range up to 300 mg per bottle. In comparison to a cup of coffee which has approximately 80 mg of caffeine, one can see how an energy drink can really spike caffeine consumption to potentially unsafe levels. Too much caffeine intake can cause irritability, nervousness, heart palpitations and raise blood pressure. Oftentimes, the caffeine levels are not indicated on the labels of these drinks and people are not aware of just how much they are consuming. People who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure should not consume energy drinks at all. Also high levels of sugar and mega doses of vitamins can also be unhealthy.Premixed with Alcohol: An alarming fact is that energy drinks are now being premixed with alcohol and available to purchase. This can be dangerous as mixing a stimulant with a depressant such as alcohol can lead to serious health risks such as heart failure. Again, there appears to be such little information available to the public regarding this fact. Many people will consume these beverages at nightclubs and bars not realizing the potentially dangerous interaction of this mixture. The stimulant factor will allow someone to drink more alcohol as the normal intoxication effect is delayed for a longer period of time. This can lead to other potential problems such as unawareness of intoxication, drunk driving, bodily injuries and impaired judgment.Risk of Addiction: There is the risk of becoming addicted to energy drinks if you consume them frequently. In addition to the caffeine addiction the extremely high levels of sugar can become addictive. This combination will give you an instant energy “high” but is then followed by a feeling of energy depletion. The energy increase is unnatural and short lasting. This can of course lead to addiction as one wants to feel the energy rush and avoid the energy slumps that occur soon after. Research has also shown that high usage of energy drinks is linked to increased use of unhealthy substances such as cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drug abuse. If one consumes a lot of energy drinks there is a risk of caffeine intoxication. It’s even possible to experience side effects like rapid heartbeat and numbness and tingling in the hands and feet from the mega doses of vitamin supplements that some of these drinks contain.Alternatives to Energy Drinks: There are much healthier ways to increase your energy levels naturally rather than turning to artificial stimulants. The objective is to incorporate healthy habits that will make you feel truly alive and filled with energy.Avoid Dehydration: Being dehydrated will lower your energy levels. Drink plenty of fresh clean water to hydrate your body and naturally raise energy.Healthy Diet: Eating a healthy well balanced diet will certainly help with providing your body with energy. Protein is important for energy production. Healthy proteins should be eaten throughout the day to ensure adequate energy. Carbohydrates can make you feel sluggish if you eat too much breads, rice and pastas. Try to stick to carbohydrates in the form of vegetables to accompany your protein intake. For example, an energy boosting lunch or dinner could be grilled salmon with asparagus or roasted chicken or turkey with sautéed vegetables. Carbohydrates are very important to keeping blood sugar levels stable so make sure to have good carbohydrates in your diet.Do not skip breakfast as this meal will provide the fuel you need to keep your energy level throughout the day. Also try to eat smaller mini meals instead of three large meals. Smaller, nutritionally dense meals pack more energy power than large meals which can overload your digestive system and make you feel fatigued. Eat fiber based fruits such as bananas and apples as well as snacks such as raisins. These fibrous foods help your body to have more energy and are easy snacks for people on the go. Also don’t forget your omega-3 laden foods such as salmon, tuna and olive oil. The omega nutrients help you to stay alert.Exercise: Exercise is important to energy production. Even though working out will feel like you are expending energy it is actually an energy exchange for longer term consistent energy increases. People who exercise regularly will often notice that their energy decreases when they stop exercise for any period of time. A consistent exercise program that includes walking, light aerobics, treadmill or swimming can boost health and energy levels. All it takes is 20 to 30 minutes per day of exercise to increase your energy naturally. Exercise has the additional benefits of controlling your weight and supporting your immune system.Reduce Stress: Stress is an energy drainer. Of course we will all experience stress but finding constructive ways to reduce it is a good way to increase your energy levels. Holding on to negative emotions will certainly deplete your energy reserves. It is not just negative emotions that can rob you of energy but positive, life changing events can lower energy as well. Getting married or retiring are exciting but even these heightened positive emotions can have the same effect on energy. Bear these facts in mind when experiencing even the greatest joys of life and make sure to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits such as a balanced diet and exercise to counteract the energy draining effects.Energy Improves Quality of Life: Having adequate energy levels really makes life more enjoyable. Being able to accomplish your daily activities without complete exhaustion improves the quality of your life. Remember it is very important to always consult with your medical doctor before undertaking any changes in your diet or lifestyle, particularly if you are currently taking prescription medications or have been diagnosed with any disease. Low energy levels could be symptomatic of an underlying medical condition.
The Advantages of Solar Energy – Why Going Green Is Not Only About Protecting the Environment |
There is no doubt that reduced pollution is one of the greatest advantages of using solar panels. You do not need to be a fervent ecologist to realize the severity of the environmental problems that affect out world today. The fuel crisis, the pollution, climate changes, all these issues affect us one way or the other. There is no point in denying either their importance, or our responsibility in triggering and maintaining them.But the advantages do not limit to environmental effects, although they are incredibly relevant. There are many other benefits of using solar energy that refer to costs, maintenance or energy independence. Whether you are interested in this energy source because of a profound environmental concern, or you are more attracted to the idea of low-cost energy and money saving, going solar can prove to be a remarkably smart idea.Below you will find a comprehensive list containing the most relevant reasons why using solar energy is beneficial, so you can have a more complex image of the reason that makes it a viable and attractive alternative to fossil fuel energy. With a wider perspective than before, you might be able to make a wiser and more informed decision.1. Protecting the environmentWe start the list of advantages with the most prominent one, the environmental benefit. There is no secret in the fact that overexploitation of the Earth’s non-renewable resources will eventually lead to their paucity, to higher costs and extreme pollution. We cannot rely forever on fossil fuels to create energy, because this resource will eventually disappear. On top of that, continuing to burn fossil fuels will lead to even more pollution than today, and this will affect the climate and people’s health. Turning to a clean, safe, healthy and renewable source or energy becomes imperative.a) Solar energy is renewableOne of the first advantages is the fact that it is a renewable source of energy that we can count on for billions of years from now. The sun will keep shining. Using its power will not diminish it, like in the case of fossil fuels. When the Earth will not be able to count on fossil fuels for energy, the Sun will still provide enough power for the whole world.b) Solar energy is cleanUnlike fossil fuels, it is not polluting. No gas emissions, no unpleasant smells, no smoke – it is totally clean. Considering the growing problem of the greenhouse effect and the climate changes it triggers, finding cleaner sources of energy is the best way to protect the environment and reduce the negative effects fossil fuel energy has on the atmosphere. Choosing solar energy over non-renewable energy means more than simply protecting the environment. It means protecting ourselves and the generations to come. Fighting for a healthy, safe world implies stopping climate changes, global warming and air pollution.2. Low costsCertainly, solar energy is environmentally friendly. But, as we already mentioned, the advantages do not end there. Probably the most appealing advantage of all is the low cost. Several factors contribute to this conclusion:a) Solar energy is freeOnce you install a solar system, you can enjoy free energy as long as the Sun is up in the sky. It’s for everybody, you don’t have to pay for it. You can just enjoy its benefits. While fossil fuel energy is brought to you by different energy suppliers you have to pay serious money to, the sun’s energy is there for free.Yes, the cost of installing such technologies can prove to be a substantial investment, but in time, you will save a lot of money on energy. If you think long-term, the benefits are considerable.Fossil fuel energy is expensive, and you can see that on your monthly bills. It seems like every year energy prices increase and you have to pay more on the bills. It is obviously not convenient to continue like this. The cost efficiency balance of fossil fuel energy starts to lose its equilibrium in favor of the costs. Until when will you be able to continue paying expensive bills?Looking at it this way, abandoning fossil fuel energy in favor of a low-cost type of energy is common sense. Relying on solar energy, which is free, will lower electricity bills to an affordable level. In case you choose to produce all the energy your house needs using the power of the sun, you will save serious money on bills.b) Governmental incentivesAnother one of the economic benefits of solar energy is provided by the government. You can save money by using various financial incentives. Tax incentives, various credits and rebates encourage people to go green. Learn about the incentives available in your state, and the costs of installing solar panel systems will substantially lower.c) Low maintenance costsThe maintenance of a solar system is easy and cheap. After the initial investment in installing the solar system, the chances of spending money on it will be quite limited.d) Fast recuperation of the initial investmentAfter you install the solar energy system, you will recuperate your investment in a few years, and you will be able to enjoy its benefits sooner than you thought. When it comes to the long-term advantages of solar power, cost efficiency clearly differentiates this energy source from the rest.e) Net meteringIn case your system produces more energy than you need, you can sell it to your utility company. You can not only save money, but also make money with the help of your solar panels.f) DIY solutionsYou can reduce the initial investment with the help of a “Do It Yourself” kit. You can either learn to build solar panels by yourself, or just learn to install the solar panel. Enjoy the advantages of solar energy while learning something new and exciting.3. Energy independencea) Solar energy is self-sufficientThe perspective of energy independence is one of the most appealing reasons to choose this source of energy. Depending on another entity is always frustrating for a human being who likes to have full control over his life. Many times we have to endure power black-outs, accept increasing prices, or wait for somebody from the utility company to come to fix a problem of the energy system.Have you ever though of the possibility of becoming completely energy independent? Having a house that provides all the energy it needs by itself spares you the frustration of depending on various energy suppliers. Once your solar energy system is able to produce all the necessary energy, your house will become self-sufficient, your bills will lower, and you will have the certainty of a constantly available source of energy.b) Solar energy is available anywhereNo matter how remote the area where you live is, if the Sun shines, your house will enjoy solar energy. Among the many other advantages, the fact that it can provide energy wherever it is needed is an enormous benefit. It will be able to bring light to locations where power lines cannot be installed.A solar energy system can be easily installed in any location. Therefore, for people who would like to build vacation houses in the mountains or other remote areas, it provides a viable solution.4. FlexibilityProbably the most appealing benefits are its low costs and its environmentally friendly character. The economic benefits solar energy brings are undeniable. So is the fact that it helps you contribute to protecting the environment and becoming energy independent.Related to the idea of independence, there are other advantages that are worth mentioning. For example, solar energy systems are very flexible and adaptable to basically any situation. You can choose the solar technology that suits your needs best, install it where it fits, and invest in it depending on your budget. You can produce only a part of the energy you consume, or you can produce all the energy your house needs.Installing the system can be done at your own pace. If you cannot buy all the solar panels at once, you can start with smaller investments, and when you have the money, you can install some more panels. If you have a small house, you can install a small system, and so on. Solar energy is flexible, comfortable and convenient.